Friday, November 19, 2010

Everyday Life

Well now that moving is all done and our new home is fixed up and perfect, it's back to more normal activities:

Piano Practice


Creativity with my food that for some reason Mom doesn't appreciate:

And Playtime with Mom and Dad:

Now on to new activities I've recently picked up.


Trying on Mom's shoes:




And when we're out and about I love to drink out of the water fountain!!

That's all for now.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

New Place, new things

Hey everyone we are finally all moved into our new apartment and it looks GREAT!!! I love my room and my closet is big enough to be another small room. Here's pictures of our new place:

These first 3 are my room and closet:

Here I am playing in my new bathtub:

Our kitchen is much bigger and Mom and Dad LOVE it:

Here's the dining room....guess which chair is mine? :)

Our front door and coat closet..

Living room..

And finally Mom and Dad's room which of course is my favorite place to be, but I'm not always allowed in.

Now on to new things!! Yesterday it snowed and that was interesting and really funny how Mom ran around and laughed with me outside.

Neat how the snow turned everything white:

Monday, November 1, 2010

Moving....part 2

After a great night sleep at Grandma's we headed off again for Denver on a beautiful Friday morning.

We stopped at McDonald's for lunch and I enjoyed the play area after eating.

Later at a gas station I had fun just playing in the car and out of my carseat!!

Now we're in Denver but don't have much in our apartment so I'll get pictures of that later. But there's plenty to do outside and so much to see. This morning Mom took me on a walk and even let me push the stroller!!

We played a fun game where Mom would push the stroller ahead and then I would run after it.

Later we spied a rabbit and I carefully checked it out until it hopped off.

So far it's pretty amazing here!!