Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Playmate

Well Mommy has officially started her new nanny job and I have a new playmate for four days of the week. His name is Kyle and he's just a few months older than me. He's really good at sitting and smiling for the camera.

Wednesday we had a get to know each other playdate and I found out that he can be goofy just like me.

Thursday we started the first full day together and Mom forgot the camera so we took a lot of pictures Friday to make up for it. We started the morning, after breakfast, with a fun wagon ride around the neighborhood. The wagon is just the right size for Kyle and I.

On the walk we noticed a big balloon up above us making funny sounds as it floated by.

We stopped at a park nearby to play and swing before heading back for naps.

After lunch we played in the kitchen while Mom cleaned up the dishes. Kyle has a cabinet filled with plastic bowls just like I do.

We even found a couple big enough to wear as hats.

Next we played with a fun, musical, activity table.

Later we enjoyed a snack of goldfish together!!

I think I'm really going to enjoy my new friend!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Working Hard

I've been playing a lot more in my room and really starting to figure out how things work and move and sound. Mom likes to take a lot of pictures of me so here are some recent ones...

I'm such a strong little boy!! There's so many different things to do with my activity table..

I also love playing basketball

and chasing after the balls.

I love playing in my room!!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Now that I'm 1 I can do big boy read the Bible and study it like Momma does for her class.

I'm just tall enough to check the mail and this is one of my favorite things to do.

Of course there's always daily music practice and I can even play a wooden recorder, in addition to my drum and xylophone.

Another hobby is taking portraits of myself....cuz I look GOOD!!!

For exercise I push my dump truck around and give Elmo a ride.

When my work is done for the day it's time to chill!!

Then last bit of business before bed is to clean my I can keep looking GOOD!!!

That's all for now....LATER!!