We've been enjoying going to birthday parties and Oliver, who is usually highly skeptical of new foods, loves trying cake and cupcakes and ice cream!!
He's also starting to interact more with other toddlers and enjoying new activities such as blowing bubbles,
playing in a bouncy house,
and chasing animals.
Since I only work part time at the daycare, most of my days are free and Oliver and I have been enjoying nearby parks, especially one that has a train to ride...
and a creek that flows through the park that's perfect for wading and keeping cool in the summer heat.
In other family news, Nathan received a new video camera for Father's Day that's he's been super excited about.
Now he takes video anytime we're out and about!!
And last but not least is news about our upcoming 2nd child!! We had the 20 week ultrasound and everything looked good and IT'S A BOY!!!

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th of July!!
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