Most mornings we try to get out for a walk if the weather is nice. I scored a great deal on a used double jogging stroller and the boys love it.
Lately it's been really cold so we've been playing a lot inside and Owen enjoys watching Oliver play next to him.
Sometimes Oliver gets too close to Owen with his toys.
Just today I found a giant puzzle mat with ABC's and numbers on it and Oliver loved putting it together.
It's a perfect fit for our dining area and now the boys can play on the floor while we are cooking in the kitchen.
We've definitely been experiencing a real Colorado winter this year and two weeks ago it snowed for 2 days straight and left us buried under 2 feet of snow. Oliver helped to shovel off the driveway.
Owen helped out by falling asleep and not causing any trouble!!
In the evening Daddy cooks wonderful meals with Oliver's help.
And we end the day with bath time which is turning into a lot of fun despite the fact that Oliver can't stand water being poured on him. He likes to help wash Owen.