Rachel's due date came and went on November 12th, so the next day we went to church and Monday morning she woke up and made breakfast and started feeling contractions. After about an hour and a half we decided we should head to the midwives office to get checked out. After dropping Oliver with a friend, we arrived at the hospital and Rachel's water broke as soon as we got to the office. Then the midwife informed us she was 9cm dilated and practically ran her up to labor and delivery. A little over 3 hours later, Owen Rees Bryant, entered the world through a successful VBAC.

Born at 2:11 pm he weighed 7lbs, 11oz and measured 20 1/2in long. He is absolutely perfect and beautiful.

Oliver met his new little brother later that evening.

Nathan stayed the night in the hospital with Rachel and enjoyed bonding with his new son.

Since we've been home we've had to bring Owen back to the hospital twice to recheck his bilirubin count which has been high and have had to keep him on a lighted UV blanket to help bring it down.

Other than that he is doing great and we are so enjoying getting to know our little boy. He is happy, sleeps a lot, and very alert when he's awake.