Fall is definitely in full swing here in Colorado and it cools down to the upper 40's at night and during the day it stays between 60's and 70's which has been wonderful. Last weekend we enjoyed a fun trip to a corn maze.
Followed by a trip to the Denver Botanic Gardens.
We've been keeping pretty busy this fall because Oliver attends an in-home preschool Mon and Wed mornings and we go to daycare to work Tue, Thur, and sometimes Fri mornings.
Owen is not old enough yet to come with us to daycare (the above picture was taken on a day when we were just showing him off to the other teachers) but he will be in just a few short weeks. For now he stays with a friend while we go to work.
Oliver is greatly enjoying his time with other children and is learning his letters and can already trace his name. Here's the link to the blog for his preschool where you can view pictures of Oliver and his classmates.
Little Adventures Preschool
Most mornings we bike everywhere unless it's raining. We purchased a used burley bike trailer for $50 and it has proven to be a great way to commute the kids around and has definitely saved us a lot of money on transportation and gas.

Owen is usually pretty happy in the bike trailer, this is just the only picture that I have of them in it. In other news Owen officially took his first steps last week and I'll be posting a video soon of that accomplishment. Now he still crawls a lot but stands up and walks more and more frequently.
Here are some pictures of the boys outside enjoying the fall weather: